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API Docs

This is the documentation for the Guilded Authlink API. You can read about what this website does here.

Before We Start

Authlink is compliant with RFC 6749. If you have any questions about how to design your client that aren't covered on this page, refer there!

Base URL

Create an Application

  1. Go to your applications page.
  2. Click the "New Application" button.
  3. Follow the instructions on that page to link your Guilded bot to an Authlink application.


Each application has its own authorization URL to which it must send users in order to begin the OAuth flow. You can generate one of these with your desired scopes on your application's page.

The Basic Flow

  1. User visits your application's website and clicks a "Log in with Guilded" button (or similar)
  2. User is redirected to your authorization page on Guilded Authlink
    • If the user's browser session is not already verified, they will be taken through the start flow here
  3. User allows or denies access to the scopes you selected
  4. User is taken back to your redirect_uri with a code in the proceeding GET request's query string made by the user's browser
  5. Your application exchanges code for an access token, which it can use to call API endpoints

This is the only flow type that Authlink offers support for.


NameAllows access to
servers/users/@me/servers & /servers/{}{}/member

Authorization URL Structure

Redirect URI

At this point, you should verify the state param mentioned above, if you included it. You can now exchange code for the user's access token:

Exchange Code


Exchange a code for an access token for use with the rest of the API or refresh an access token using a refresh token. Codes have a TTL of 15 seconds, so act fast! Refresh tokens do not expire, but they will be invalidated if the user deauthorizes your application.

Form Data Parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

client_idstringyour applicaton's client id
client_secretstringyour application's client secret
grant_typestringmust be authorization_code or refresh_token
code?stringthe code query string argument passed through the redirect request. either this or refresh_token is required depending on grant_type
refresh_token?stringthe user's refresh token. either this or code is required depending on grant_type

Access Token Response

access_tokenstringthe user's access token
token_typestringalways Bearer
expires_inintegerseconds until access_token expires
refresh_tokenstringthe user's refresh token, which can be used to refresh the access token when it expires
scopestringthe scopes your application was authorized for, space-separated

And of course, if your application ever decides that it doesn't want the access token to be valid anymore:

Revoke Token


Revoke a token, immediately invalidating it and its associated access/refresh token depending on the type of token being revoked. See also: RFC 7009.

Form Data Parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

client_idstringyour applicaton's client id
client_secretstringyour application's client secret
tokenstringthe token to revoke


Fly, my pretties! Now that you have your user's access token, you can begin making authorized requests with it. Make sure to include a proper authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

Get Current User


Get the access token's representing user. Requires the identify scope.

JSON Response Example

    "id": "EdVMVKR4",
    "name": "shay",
    "subdomain": "shayy",
    "aliases": [
            "alias": "shay",
            "discriminator": null,
            "name": "shay",
            "createdAt": "2021-03-03T20:59:27.797536+00:00",
            "userId": "EdVMVKR4",
            "gameId": 421074,
            "socialLinkSource": null,
            "additionalInfo": {},
            "editedAt": "2021-03-03T20:59:27.797536+00:00",
            "socialLinkHandle": null,
            "playerInfo": null
    "avatar": "",
    "banner": "",
    "createdAt": "2020-07-27T14:07:28.336Z",
    "userStatus": {
        "content": null,
        "customReactionId": 925765,
        "customReaction": {
            "id": 925765,
            "name": "blobspider",
            "png": "",
            "webp": "",
            "apng": null
    "moderationStatus": null,
    "aboutInfo": {
        "bio": "pfp:",
        "tagLine": "computer user"
    "lastOnline": "2022-04-19T17:02:55.499Z",
    "userPresenceStatus": 2,
    "userTransientStatus": null

Get Current User Servers


Get a list of partial servers for the access token's representing user. This will include private servers, which are indistinguishable from public servers. This endpoint cannot be paginated. Requires the servers scope.

JSON Response Example

        "id": "wlVr3Ggl",
        "name": "Guilded",
        "subdomain": "Guilded-Official",
        "profilePicture": "",
        "teamDashImage": "",
        "gameIds": [
        "memberCount": 22819
        "id": "4R5q39VR",
        "name": "Guilded-API",
        "subdomain": "guilded-api",
        "profilePicture": "",
        "teamDashImage": "",
        "memberCount": 1989
        "id": "QR46qKZE",
        "name": "Guilded API",
        "subdomain": "API-Official",
        "profilePicture": "",
        "teamDashImage": "",
        "memberCount": 247
        "id": "NEaw5pGR",
        "name": "Blob Emojis",
        "subdomain": "blob-emoji",
        "profilePicture": "",
        "teamDashImage": "",
        "memberCount": 27

Some Guilded limitations are in effect here:

Get Server


Get a server that the access token's representing user is a member of. This is not available if the server is private. Requires the servers scope.

JSON Response

idstringThe ID of the server.
namestringThe name of the server.
ownerIdstringThe ID of the user that owns the server.
type?stringThe type of server as set in its settings page.
urlstringThe URL slug of the server. There is a deprecated alternative to this property named subdomain.
timezone?stringThe server's timezone.
visibilitystringThe server's visibility ("default" or "open-entry"). You should never receive a server with "private" visibility.
avatar?stringThe CDN URL of the server's avatar image. There is a deprecated alternative to this property named profilePicture.
banner?stringThe CDN URL of the server's banner image. There is a deprecated alternative to this property named teamDashImage.
isRecruiting?booleanWhether the server is accepting new member applications.
isVerified?booleanWhether the server is verified.
isDiscoverable?booleanWhether the server is discoverable. This is different from visibility.
followerCount?integerThe number of followers that the server has.
memberCountintegerThe number of members that the server has. A value of 0 indicates that Authlink could not get the value from Guilded.
rolesByIdobject (string:Role)The roles in the server.

Role Object

idintegerThe ID of the role.
namestringThe name of the role.
color??integerThe role's primary color.
color2??integerThe role's secondary color, for gradient roles.
priorityintegerThe priority of the role. Not to be confused with the displayed position of the role.
createdAtstring (ISO8601 timestamp)When the role was created.
updatedAt??string (ISO8601 timestamp)When the role was last updated.
isBase?booleanWhether the role is the server's base member role.
isMentionable?booleanWhether the role is mentionable by all members.
isSelfAssignable?booleanWhether the role is self-assignable without the Manage Roles permission.
isDisplayedSeparately?booleanWhether the role is displayed separately from other roles (or "hoisted").
serverIdstringThe ID of the server that the role is in.
permissionsobject (string:integer)The role's permissions.
discordRoleId?string (snowflake)The ID of the Discord role that this role is synced to.
discordSyncedAt?string (ISO8601 timestamp)When this role was last synced to Discord.
bot?objectInformation about the bot that the role is for. Contains a userId key - the user ID of the bot.

JSON Response Example

    "id": "wlVr3Ggl",
    "name": "Guilded",
    "url": "Guilded-Official",
    "about": "The Official Guilded Team! For devs, friends, and fans alike!",
    "timezone": "America/Los Angeles (PST/PDT)",
    "type": "community",
    "visibility": "open-entry",
    "createdAt": "2018-10-05T19:25:13.449Z",
    "ownerId": "R403kZxA",
    "avatar": "",
    "banner": "",
    "socialInfo": {
        "twitch": "",
        "twitter": "@teamguilded",
        "youtube": "",
        "facebook": ""
    "isRecruiting": true,
    "isVerified": true,
    "isDiscoverable": true,
    "followerCount": 1878,
    "gameIds": [
    "flairs": [
            "id": 3
            "id": 1,
            "amount": 323
            "id": 6
    "memberCount": 24965,
    "rolesById": {
        "590401": {
            "id": 590401,
            "name": "Member",
            "color": 13750741,
            "permissions": {
                "chat": 35,
                "docs": 2,
                "forms": 16,
                "lists": 2,
                "media": 2,
                "voice": 4163,
                "forums": 67,
                "streams": 192,
                "calendar": 2,
                "announcements": 2
            "priority": -11,
            "createdAt": "2018-10-05T19:25:16.216Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-07-02T19:52:15.795Z",
            "isBase": true,
            "isMentionable": true,
            "isSelfAssignable": false,
            "isDisplayedSeparately": true,
            "serverId": "wlVr3Ggl"
        "591232": {
            "id": 591232,
            "name": "Guilded Staff",
            "color": 10637544,
            "permissions": {
                "xp": 1,
                "bots": 1,
                "chat": 503,
                "docs": 15,
                "forms": 18,
                "lists": 63,
                "media": 15,
                "voice": 8179,
                "forums": 123,
                "general": 64564,
                "streams": 243,
                "brackets": 3,
                "calendar": 31,
                "scheduling": 11,
                "matchmaking": 20,
                "recruitment": 55,
                "announcements": 7,
                "customization": 49
            "priority": 17,
            "color2": 3188367,
            "createdAt": "2018-10-05T21:27:27.522Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-07-02T00:14:29.845Z",
            "discordRoleId": "497837817569869824",
            "discordSyncedAt": "2018-10-05T22:50:38.864Z",
            "isMentionable": false,
            "isSelfAssignable": false,
            "isDisplayedSeparately": true,
            "serverId": "wlVr3Ggl"
        "25746098": {
            "id": 25746098,
            "name": "Bot",
            "color": 8296183,
            "permissions": {
                "xp": 1,
                "bots": 1,
                "chat": 503,
                "docs": 15,
                "forms": 18,
                "lists": 63,
                "media": 15,
                "voice": 8179,
                "forums": 123,
                "general": 130100,
                "streams": 243,
                "brackets": 3,
                "calendar": 31,
                "scheduling": 11,
                "matchmaking": 20,
                "recruitment": 55,
                "announcements": 7,
                "customization": 49
            "priority": 18,
            "color2": 6654968,
            "createdAt": "2021-11-30T23:41:42.940Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-07-02T00:14:29.845Z",
            "isMentionable": false,
            "isSelfAssignable": false,
            "isDisplayedSeparately": false,
            "serverId": "wlVr3Ggl"

Get Current User Server Member


Get the access token's representing user's member object for a specific server. This is not available if the server is private. Requires the scope and, for an inner user object to be included, the identify scope.

Query Parameters

getPermissionsWhether to return the member's calculated permissions at a server level (slower)nofalse

JSON Response

user?object (user)The member's inner user. Will contain id and name at minimum. Only present if you have the identify scope.
teamXp?integerThe member's XP in this server. Only present if getPermissions was false.
membershipRole?stringA generic string denoting the member's "role" in this server based on their permissions. This is unrelated to any roles they have.
joinedAt?string (ISO8601 timestamp)When the member joined this server. Only present if getPermissions was false.
roleIds?integer[]The member's role IDs in this server. Only present if getPermissions was true.
nickname?stringThe member's nickname in this server. Only present if getPermissions was true and if the member has a nickname set.
isOwner?booleanWhether the member owns this server. Only present if getPermissions was true.
permissions?object (string:integer)The member's calculated permissions in this server. Only present if getPermissions was true.

JSON Response Example

This example provides the getPermissions query parameter as false (or not present). For more details on what this parameter changes, see the above table.

    "user": {
        "id": "EdVMVKR4",
        "name": "shay",
        "avatar": "",
        "userStatus": {
            "content": null,
            "customReactionId": 925765,
            "customReaction": {
                "id": 925765,
                "name": "blobspider",
                "png": "",
                "webp": "",
                "apng": null
        "stonks": 56,
        "lastOnline": "2022-04-19T17:02:55.499Z"
    "teamXp": 1551,
    "membershipRole": "admin",
    "joinedAt": "2021-08-02T16:59:54.724Z"

Inversely to the above, the following example provides the getPermissions query parameter as true:

    "user": {
        "id": "EdVMVKR4",
        "name": "shay",
        "userPresenceStatus": 2,
        "avatar": "",
        "banner": ""
    "membershipRole": "admin",
    "nickname": "this shay",
    "roleIds": [
    "isOwner": true,
    "permissions": {
        "chat": 499,
        "docs": 3,
        "forms": 16,
        "lists": 3,
        "media": 3,
        "voice": 6211,
        "forums": 67,
        "general": 8192,
        "streams": 51,
        "calendar": 3,
        "scheduling": 3,
        "announcements": 2,
        "customization": 16